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" # Stratosphere Girl (2004) At the End of the credits, you can read "No Blondes were harmed in making this Movie" # Strauss Fantasy (1954) All credits for performers and crew are given orally. # Street Fighter (1994) Guile and Blanka's Dates DARCY LA PIER JERI BARCHILON Extra scene at end involving M. Bison For Raul, Vaya Con Dios # Street Fighter EX3 (2000) (VG) As the credits roll, you can control your character and beat up the enemies during the credits. When you continuously defeat the afro muscular man, he will grow larger with every appearance when the previous one gets defeated. # Street of Pain (2003) T $ and J Dog did not base these characters or situations on any real people or situations, living, dead or otherwise.

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